![EclipseRCP 문제해결 (EclipseRCP Trouble Shooting)[Trouble shooting,이클립스 RCP,eclipse RCP]](https://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:rFfVzEr-s4uB7M::www.mobilefish.com/images/developer/eclipse_logo_3.0.gif)
이미지출처 : www.mobilefish.com
EclipseRCP 문제해결 (EclipseRCP Trouble Shooting)
Product export errors
Q. I did product exported. But it can not run properly. Why?!
A. I recommend you to confirm ‘Build Configuration’ for missing any folders and files to include in the binary build.
Q. How can I ignore check event in CheckedTableViewer or CheckedTreeViewer?
A. You can use this trick.
//// ignore Check Event // | |
table = viewer.getTable(); | |
table.addListener(SWT.Selection,new Listener() { | |
public void handleEvent(Event event) { | |
if( event.detail == SWT.CHECK ) { | |
event.detail = SWT.NONE; | |
event.type = SWT.None; | |
event.doit = false; | |
try { | |
table.setRedraw(false); | |
TableItem item = (TableItem)table.getItem(0); | |
item.setChecked(! item.getChecked() ); | |
} finally { | |
table.setRedraw(true); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}); |
by 月風